Hi! I’m Vaughn Duff. Thanks for visiting my website.  The story behind creating this site is on my Home Page.

Brief Bio

I’m originally from SW Virginia.  This will explain why I know firsthand all Southerners aren’t bigots and the Confederate battle flag is about pride, not prejudice.  I’m a graduate of the US Naval Academy.  My military service consisted of nuclear training and serving as an engineering officer aboard a ballistic missile submarine.  All in all, my less-than-stellar naval career was a great education with many interesting experiences.  After the USN came law and business school for a JD and an MBA.  I’ve been the general counsel, CFO and one-time CEO for some smaller public and private companies and start-ups. I have a fantastic wife and every day I’m thankful she has tolerated me for long as she has.  That’s enough personal information – you get the idea.  If I groped any women decades ago, it was either with permission or I don’t remember.  (That’s supposed to be a funny.  If you don’t think so, I suggest you lighten up!)